


The 研究部 and Economic Development manges the  technology transfer, 许可, and commercialization process at 澳门皇冠体育. 技术转移单位协助教师, staff and students in identifying research with potential commercial interests and help to develop strategies for how to exploit these interests. 策略可能包括申请专利, copyrighting and trademarking; seeking 许可 opportunities; and promoting startups. The Unit also manages the university’s intellectual property portfolio, establishes collaborations between industry and JSU researchers on SBIR and STTR projects, and facilitate the process of obtaining Mississippi Urban 研究 Authority (MURA) approved status to have material and financial interest in companies.




The researcher(s) submits a Disclosure of Invention Form describing the invention, 详细说明使用的资金, 发明人的名称, 任何公开披露或出版物, 还有其他信息. The disclosure will then be reviewed and a meeting will be set up with the researcher to discuss the invention.

2 .评估
The Office evaluates the invention disclosure for its patentability, potential commercial value and for the best modes of intellectual property protection and commercialization. 如果发明是有用的, 小说, 而且对该领域的技术人员来说并不明显, then a decision would be made on whether or not to file a patent application.

There is a grace period of one year between public disclosure and filing a patent application. 在某些情况下, 将提交一份临时专利申请, giving the University one year in which to file a non-provisional patent. Due to the high cost of filing patent applications, the University does not file patent applications for all invention disclosures it receives. The commercial potential of the technology will be carefully considered before an application is filed. 一旦决定立案, our patent attorneys will handle the filing and prosecution of patent applications. Patents usually take an average of four to six years to issue and expire in 20 years from the date of filing. Once a patent has been issued, the University must pay maintenance fees to the USPTO every 4 or 7.5年.

Once a patent application has been filed, an assessment of the technology will be done. Vital details of the assessment will then be use to market the technology once the patent has been received.

The University’s goal is to put our inventions and discoveries in the hands of the public. Patented inventions are transferred to industry through a variety of 许可 arrangements.

一旦授权协议被执行, the University monitors the licensee’s business development and compliance of performance milestones, 协调专利审查, processing license income and distributing revenue according to the University’s IP Policy.

免责声明: The University cannot guarantee when a patent will be obtained from the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). Patent issuing times vary depending on a number of factors.


Technology transfer and commercialization refer to the process of transferring technology developed in academic or research institutions to the private sector for the purpose of creating a product or service that can be sold in the market. This process involves identifying potential technologies or innovations, 评估它们的商业潜力, and then transferring the technology to a company or entrepreneur who can bring it to market. The goal of technology transfer and commercialization is to promote economic growth and job creation by turning cutting-edge research into commercial products and services. 另外, 它有助于新技术的发展, products and services which can be beneficial for society as a whole.



1400约翰·R. 林奇街
杰克逊,MS 39217-0280
